Wherever Life Plants You, Bloom with Grace: My One Word for 2020
“Grace is the voice that calls us to change and gives us the power to pull it off.”
Max Lucado
I’ve decided against the traditional New Year’s Resolution and instead I’m focusing on one word.
One word every day, all year, that sums up how I want to be and live. I know many people have been doing this for years. Maybe you are one of them.
You may have heard of #OneWord365 and may even have used the site and/or hashtag to find your ‘tribe’ of people who have chosen the same word to focus on.
I recently stumbled upon the hashtag #OneWord365 and decided to check out their website and join the conversation with my one word.
My word is ‘Grace’ if you haven’t already figured it out by now, and I hope it inspires and guides me to be the best version of myself this year.

Grace is defined as “The freely given, unmerited favor and love of God, the influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them.”

I also found this explanation of grace on the philosophy brand ‘amazing grace’ products:
How you climb up the mountain is just as important as how you get down the mountain. And so it is with life, for which many of us becomes one big gigantic test followed by one big gigantic lesson. In the end it will come down to one word. Grace. It’s how you accept winning and losing, good luck and bad luck, the darkness and the light.
This to me means being able to take any situation and realize that there is a higher power who is in control, and that God will always send us what we need.

We control our attitude and that’s what makes the difference. When we choose to be grateful for what we have and add positivity, wisdom and our own personal talent and effort to a situation we are choosing grace.

We are choosing to do our part to make a situation better for everyone regardless of whether we think it’s ‘our job’ or whether people ‘deserve it’ when we choose grace.

I have chosen the word ‘grace’ as my #OneWord2020 because I believe it brings kindness, gratitude, and compassion together and it’s how I wish to live.
One day at a time, every day this year I will focus on ‘grace.’ I’m looking forward to connecting with others on a similar journey.

Will you choose a word? If you are considering trying this as an alternative to a New Year’s resolution, you might want to check out the #OneWord2020 website and explore some of the blogposts and people who are already finding it to be a worthwhile endeavor.
I also found this great little blogpost by Laurie Jonas to help you with finding your own word here.
Whether you have a New Year’s Resolution, a ‘One Word’ or you are just letting year 2020 come without any official launch I wish you the absolute best in happiness and health.
Yours truly,